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September 03, 2018
Tragacanth - The Journey Of A Man

The chants of the priests conducting an obscure ritual begin the narration of the conceptual Tragacanth - The Journey Of A Man album, developing the WarSurvival: Stagnate Reality intro with a mysterious chime, culminating in inspired passages, weaving epic folk legends with progressive musical trends. In the vocal part, screaming and growling alternates, this is typical for the whole album.
Denial: They Are MistakenRomantic waves of a brooding ballad precede the entry of the main motive, raising the trends of ancient legends, vocals bring fury and drive by screaming in the couplets, taking them away in a fast-moving race, but in bridges growl slows down the musical fabric in melodic meditations, but then they alternate in the verses.
After epic tales and trends of forgotten legends Anger: Kitrine Chole carries away in a stream of impetuous drive, scattering all obstacles on the way. This musical madness is complemented by some industrial hues.
Depression: Waning Light (Feat. Manuela Marchis) expands the scope of the album, starting with something like the techno death metal, then weaving epic motifs and fabulous reflections, then putting these stylistic shades together in a musical image.
Starting with the reflections of clean vocals, Bargaining: Will You Answer Me? (Feat. Rik Van Schaaik) weaves a fascinating lace of effective musical passages and deep thinking of growling with majestic middle tempo sagas and impetuous drive, blowing screaming vocals on the ghostly wings of musical delights. The debate of screaming and growling in Nightmare: The Vision vocal parts is interrupted by fascinating amazing melodies in instrumental bridges, very artistically and inspiringly present the intertwining of fabulous legends and progressive musical influences. Then these charming combinations continue with the vocal part.
Scrolling the melody with the unexplored sides Acceptance: My Destiny Awaits transforms the main motive in such a diverse and diverse way that one should not try to predict the coming changes - one way or another, I would like to listen to the song again and again! The development of the Suffering: The Essence Implodes main motive begins with a gloomy symphony enveloping mysterious tunes of obscure images, then this melody rises up in a wave of drive, returning from time to time along with vocal reflections to the ballad, but then again carried away with the flow of dark drive.
Returning to the mysterious rituals in the first composition, the album ends with muffled chants that send the hero to the final keystone Death: Journey's End, complementing the final epic ballad with swift instrumental bridges that sweep up the tempo and complete their race with epic symphonies.Funeral march completes the composition and the album.