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Thoughts break through the tunnels of the mind

August 16, 2020
Worship (USA) - Tunnels

Gloomy musical passages, viscously and painfully marching in unhurried reverie, create the basis for the Serpents emotional vocals narration that complements its phrases with notes of despair and anger. Equally painful and gloomy the Paralyze song continues the musical atmosphere of despair and sadness, more accentuating the rhythm of the sound with a stern march.
The title composition of the Worship (USA) - Tunnels album develops the musical motive given by the previous composition, marching in the gloomy grandeur of the dark anthem, bringing shades of emotions and experiences with vocal screams. In the middle part of the composition, the music dispels the darkness, leaving light guitar notes along with screams of vocal despair, then again thickening and depressing the sound.
The vocal part of the Without song appeals to a more sensitive and attentive perception of the lyrics, moving to the forefront of the musical image, supported by somewhat lightened musical passages. Rhythmically and severely pumping waves of musical passages, the Searching for Light crowns them with vocal phrases rising on the crest of musical waves. The music then picks up the pace, expanding the stylistic boundaries of the album with the addition of the melodic death metal musical style. The composition ends with a guitar solo, which adds a ballad romanticism. The final composition of the album The Cave begins with a muted mystery, preparing for a long time for the vocal intro.