A whirlwind of meteoric drive is whirled up by a hurried race of the Alustrium - Insurmountable (EP) album's intro, then the vocals support this rage with their scream growling narration, but then from time to time the Fated to Despair music shrinks in a stern march and complements the vocals with the severity of deep growling.
Whipping up a dark austerity with a guitar solo, the Dark Waters creates an artistic progressiveness with breaks in rhythm - with the introduction of vocals, focusing on the mid-tempo severity of a combat march, alternating between streaming and growling in the vocals. But then scream growling, enveloped in the toga of a twilight symphony, transforms the sound into an inspiring experience.
The mid-tempo procession of the United in Enmity battle march is combined with vocal alternation of screaming and growling, creating an atmosphere of an epic anthem with musical variations. The title track Insurmountable leaves the final impression of this release, taking the vocals to the top of the musical waves of the saga's mesmerizing progressive musical solutions.