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There is a way to cope with all the misery

April 15, 2020
Silence Before the Storm - Misery

The bewitching Inward (Instrumental) symphony that weaves a lace of melody around a solo melody starts the Silence Before the Storm - Misery album, then combining melody and power in the single stream of King Of Misery musical narration, complementing the musical charm with vocal emotions. The oppressive musical dusk weaves together the No One Can Save Us Now charming melody and painful expectations, complementing musical uncertainty with vocal emotions.
Emphasizing the main motive with a military march, after an explosion of vocal emotions Breaking Point then weaves the vocal part and the severe musical march in a single narrative. The mid-tempo pulsation of the Alone annoying march interwoven with sparkling ribbons of guitar solo continues the album. Intriguing guitar motifs of the introduction end with vocal tunes on the verge of hetural growling, then weaving into the dance harsh vocals with romantic bewilderment of the Sovereign Mindmusical variations.
The severe and unyielding Nowhere Left To Go persistence continues the thoughts of the previous composition, sometimes combining the dominant growling in the vocal part with the tunes of clean vocals. The dense and severe procession of stubborn drive ends with the rolling waves of musical dusk, crowned with the Breathe In Agony vocala narrative.
After a furious explosion of intro, entwining a furious vocal cry with swirls of guitar solo, then We Stand marching in the confidence of a dense mid-tempo march. The Onward (Instrumental) keyboard symphony completes the album with the charm of sublime thoughts.