The conceptual musical chronicle Black Messiah - Walls Of Vanaheim, which unites the collection of fairy tales and legends, begins the Prologue - A New Threat of this mysterious story. Mysterious motifs and melodies precede the prophecies of the wise man, who tells about the state of the ancient world - about the Vikings and their beliefs, about Britain and about many other things, which are supplemented by the noise of crowds, cries of a raven and the sound of the sea.
Song Mimir's Head begins this collection of fairy tales. Against the backdrop of the melody, there are either believing virgins, or holy spirits that are hymned by an obscure background and in the breeches prefacing each verse sing "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" Vocal parts combine phrases of pure and restrained, not too much demonic screaming.
The legend of the divine illumination of Father's Magic, the reactions of Odin and other gods to the behavior of the heroes precede the following composition.
Violin solo introduces medieval romanticism in Mime's Tod introductions, vocals changes the language of the lyrics to the German, after which the melodic guitar solo brings a bright wave of exciting melodies that will be repeated in the next instrumental solo in an even more symphonic atmosphere after the vocal phrases in the verse The next comprehension Call To Battle of the reaction of the gods and the connection with Valgalla again precedes the composition, Odin's phrase: "We are going to war!" completes its.
Significantly, so important and vividly significant Die Burde Des Njord introduction creates an atmosphere of a fairy tale about heroic deeds, then a rapid verse bearing symphonic influence banners brings us to a viscous, viscous bridge, followed by the next wave of bright musical extravaganza with vocal's german lyrics. In the instrumental part, the melodic saga complements the atmospheric medieval and folkloric element, the marvelous orchestra and muffled choruses of the chorals on the background.
Already in the Satisfaction And Revenge introduction of violoncello and violins explodes with a magnificent symphonic brilliance of orchestral parts, then the violin melodies are combined with a restrained drive and vocal screaming phrases with notes of growling. Then the vocals turns for a bit into phrases beginning with pure style, ending with the anger of the growling.
Once again, the wise man's thoughts in The March precede composition The Walls Of Vanaheim, starting with an unforgettable bright symphony, turning into a swift wave of drive. The main motive that manifested itself in the introduction subordinates itself to the guitar parts, creating so magnificent melodic basis for the title track.
The sound of rain and the ringing of swords and armor serve as a backdrop for a story about the three days and nights that passed in the battle under the walls of Vangheim. Son and father, Thor with Odin discusses their chances and Decisions in the conquest of the rainbow bridge.
So it turns out that German language ennobles vocal parts - perhaps it helps a more vivid perception and improves the impressions of refined and charming Mit Blitz Und Donner musical decisions, full of symphonic charm and delightful orchestral passages.
Well, the war was over, Odin is discussing the future conditions of government and the conditions for peaceful coexistence. It requires you to perform The Ritual in compulsory conditions.
But the giants do not restrain their claims to mastering the indestructible power over the Ygdrasil and the rainbow bridge, in an impressive, gloomy pride and viscous melodic musical moves Kvasir creates this atmosphere of disobedience, wonderfully supplemented by vocals with German lyrics.
A Feast Of Unity main motive comes from the melody that appeared in all previous compositions, the vocal complements this mesmerizing melody from different directions with screaking and growling. Well, Odin promises to return, turns around and leaves visible limits, leaving so charming instrumental symphony Epilogue: Farewell to complete the album.