Twilight sacrament Infierno anticipates the Doble Esfera - Futuro album's title track, in which the guitar riffs are pulsating with playful waves, on which the vocal part, crowned by the artistic passages of the keyboards, rides. In the instrumental part, keyboard passages interweave an artistic symphony, mesmerizing with enchanting melody.
Electronic variations of the keyboards notes of the introduction bring a whirlwind of futuristic sound into La Cuarta Esfera composition, complemented by the harsh drive of the subsequent musical component. Walking with a proud sound, pointing the way to development and raising the banners of a proud hymn, it should be noted that Padre song has very fine video!
The vocal part comes to the forefront as the Con Nocturnidad Y Alevosia epic saga, which then accelerates the acceleration of musical passages to a rapid drive. The Three Sisters leisurely ballad preserves the dominant position of the vocal part in the sound of music. It should be noted notes of country style and, despite the name of the song, the lyrics are still Hispanic - except for the chorus.
Varying the rhythm in different textures of medium tempo La Reserva crowns the vocal part with the charm of a keyboard symphony. "This is ground contron to...the someone" - something like this can be interpreted the Deriva introduction, then vocal phrases rides on the waves of inspired sound.
The 429-2 romantic ballad inspired by emotional tunes complements the main part of male vocals with female phrases. The album completes with a fierce drive of the Juicio Final musical thriller, however, bringing to the musical fury the charm of vocal romanticism.