The painful atmosphere is entangled by gloomy disorders, the music of the funeral shroud enfolds everything with gloomy covers. Then the vocal brings to the Burdened By Stone sound the weeping notes of sorrowful sadness, creating a dark romantic sadness in the haze and asking the stylistics of the Ripis - Shadow Dies In Morning Light album.
Cymbals pour over the sun-dried sand of overdried sand dunes, guitars develop melodic romance, slowly adding to the sound with ever new notes and shades. The Void vocal part seems to be hiding on the background of a leisurely musical extravaganza. But remaining in the background of the musical image, the vocal with emotional phrases gives unforgettable and charming romanticism to the sound of the composition.
Acoustic guitar breaks create an atmosphere of sad romance, saddened by the loss of such habitual and irreplaceable things, left in the memory of unhealed wounds and scarring scars reminiscent of themselves in case of any setbacks. Without the addition of stiffness and severity of sound Water In The Basin remains the same soft bard ballad and restrained sadness, not forcing waves of dark drive and hard grinding of metal motifs.
The Shadow Dies In Morning Light title track seems to continue the sound of the previous song, being hardened by the gloomy gnashing of the funeral procession, paying tribute to the lost shadows lost in the rays of the morning sun, untimely gone - until the next twilight. Vocals supplement musical melancholy with their phrases, overwhelmed feeling of lost opportunities and saddened with lost goals.