The Guests From My Nightmares symphonic Suite serves as an introduction to the fierce and swift musical procession of the Small Toy Soldier epic saga, which precedes the artistic inspiration of the musical fairy tale of the title track of the Arida Vortex - Riders Of Steel album.
The rapid race of musical drive precedes the introduction of the vocal story, then uniting in a single musical stream of the We Will Rise Again song, preceding the intriguing mystery and fascinating atmosphere of the Run To Nowhere musical fairy tale.
A mid-tempo musical procession rolls out a conformable musical canvas for the My Turn vocal story, which dominates the musical image and anticipates the sparkling charm of The Invincible musical symphony.
Slowly, the procession of musical passages is complemented by minstrel musical motifs and echoes of medieval bard stories, combined together in the sound of the Damned And Killed enchanting ballad, anticipating the end of the album with the To Be By Your Side acoustic bard tale.