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Not everyone is satisfied with philanthropy

February 02, 2018
Human Serpent - For I,The Misanthropist

A bright, sparkling melody captures immediately into its changeable musical Seven Billion Slaves stream, sweeping the impetuous vortex in the verse and meaningfully asserting its significance in the measured phrases of the chorus.
Human Serpent - For I,The Misanthropist album continues with the title track, raising the melody of the previous composition to a new level.
After swift and melodic musical passages, the vocal combines screaming and growling in the whirlwinds of exciting music, then preaching the meaning of misanthropy.
Distorted incomprehensible phrases of the evil sorcerer cause a flurry of violent drive, which wraps around the dark snake of the Temple Of All Despair main motive, enveloped in the evil power and dark charm of the black spells.
A wonderful catchy melody of the The Scars Of Millions main motive strikes the vocal phrases, guitar riffs and musical ideas on the axis of its sound, creating such an unusual and magnificent musical image. In instrumental bridges, solo bass guitar brings an artistic touch, complementing the music with a peculiar variety and confident background.
Severely, mercilessly and angrily, the dark rolling twilight of deep drive rolls ...To Son Of Nothing, in the vocals a deep growling comes to the front edge of the musical picture. In the final part, a mysterious round dance of incredible dance hovers around a charming melody.
The slow-moving whirlwind of the rapid musical passage carries away Us And Them under the banners of the solemn main motive in the whirlwind of warlike tunes to the upcoming battles. In bridges, the musical picture is complemented by the utterly solemn and solemn motifs and the charming notes of bass guitar.
Devotion To Denial intro shakes the flywheel, triggering an exciting leitmotif stream along the chosen path, intersecting and alternating with vocal phrases in its musical extravaganza. The composition is completed once again by a bright and thoughtful melody, supplementing the wise atmosphere of reflection on the significance of ancient legends.
Deep-Seated Pessimism continues the album's style, giving great importance to the vocal parts, weaving them with the marvelous melody of the spiritual accompaniment.
Meditations of clean vocals in the mysterious fog Blessed Is The Man Who Expects Nothing, in which mythical entities and phantom illusions are hovering bring the album to its close. But in the final part of the composition, muffled chorals appear on the background, which only envelops the finale with unimaginable mystery.