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There's so many various things always around

July 21, 2016
Abacus - European Stories

Variously it was like to be is not yet clear - talk about it Abacus - European Stories , very nice and pleasant!
Pathos and epic orchestra annonces the whole of Rome about the arrival of the Emperor's cortege. Crowds of plebeians look to slow and solemn procession of legionaries column, patricians and humble servants parading behind them.
A woman's voice proclaims intents of the Spanish empire for conquering the whole world, battles with the English fleet and a lot of other things. Then the keyboard passage proclaims the anticipation of the Spanish Armada. Keyboards not leave the foreground of musical performances, other musicians supporting their dreamy and sublime leitmotif and sad emotional vocals, that sometimes spills out into the storm of a nervous breakdown.
Church Choir, which accompanied by organ and complemented by distant howling of the wind starts the Nancy Cathedral story. Long and persistently prepare us keyboard improvisation and poetic passages for further song, which is a fun and playful manner holds the connection between religion, its symbols and our perceptions of them.
In a playful lounges manner Club De Marquee chants the delights of clubs and places of entertainment without leaving a hint of sadness and grief, but confusion because of the time spent in vain.
Do you know the word blues? Yes or No - this song, Kumperland Boogie will reveal it to you in his interpretation, without the slightest modesty showing aspects of life of the piano with the right hand to him! Have you ever been at Chicago? Have you ever been at Chicago? Yes or not - anyway, this song permeates the spirit of the city.
Mechanisms announce everything around by sounds of its gears, springs and transferred us into the Berlin. Melancholic story surrounds the same parade of mechanical events, then they subside so as not to interfere with female vocals, which calms incontinence soulless dolls by her operatic sound. But the machine did not disappear - but we digress from them - they are returned.
Sounds ofEuropean Tour Song filled with the hope and inspiration. So many impressions, different and diverse, sad and joyful left in our consciousness after the journey to all European corners, a variety of territorial, historical and that only you can imagine! Overall - this ballad dismisses sadness far away!
Bell tolls to start Gaelic Farewell, sublime and dreamy ballad, in which the male and female vocals resonate, complementing each other with their palette of shades, then the mythical fairy music raises us above the clouds by its symphonic sound. Ends song and album by chant of fabulous being.