Throne was casted and made up of combat armors, always and everywhere will arise as new Vader - The Empire !
Flame sword of Angels of Steel soars in the sky, its exquisite sharp blade so refined in its elegant thrusts. Quick rhythm Tempest crushes everything with their powerful staccato beats, smashing all resistance and opposition to its sounds. After overcoming all obstacles should phase solemn monologue, ending a wonderful instrumental solos. But it is only cause next attack of furious madness.
Rhythmically chanting fans, adepts and believers their Prayer to the God of War, chopping it in a clear manner, not allows any doubt in their nonexhaustive confidence!
Thunderously, viscous and deliberately progressing Iron Reign on its path, clearly chopping rhythm by vocal phrases and do not leave the slightest room for any doubt or misunderstanding.
Quickly and easily is rushing on the ghostly wings, No Gravity does not interfere with the shrill and unstoppable flight!
Anger and rage crushes everything to smithereens, Genocidius does not feel the slightest doubt, regret or remorse.
The monologue of the narrator, trying to prepare for a description of what impossible to imagine starts The Army-Geddon tale, continuing in a clear and crushing rhythm, heavy and exciting story.
This is followed by clear thrashing style, that denands to Feel My Pain from all of us. Ends composition abruptly accelerated, smashing any obstacles on the path of musical stream. Parabellum continued fierce and furious sounds in line with this rough stormy stream.
Rhythmic rumble, requires, appealing and insists - Send Me Back to Hell closes entire album with confidence - the roots and origins are unforgettable, always worth to come back to them.