Using rampant rapidness, the music varies the pace and musical sound, anticipating the Disposable Creatures entry of vocals, which thrown the harsh atmosphere, enveloping vocal phrases with fascinating musical variations, intertwining in a single lace of the Hate Disposal - Legacy musical album several styles and genres. In the instrumental part in the guitar solo, the east of the eastern motives are manifested, which then reflect on spicy musical entities in the instrumental bridges.
The Cancer composition explodes the furious impatience of the musical thriller, however, guitar passes and riffs bring artistic charm to the music image. Vocal severity plumping the final part's sound sound. The Cursed Hour continues the vocal fierce, giving up a music sounding about the playfulness and extension of Irish folklore motifs. The vocals sometimes rises in thought, but then the music is being built in the rapidness of sparkling guitar intersections - additions of the solo and bass guitars combinations.
Powerfully, persistent and continued music and vocals are disguised in the listener. But how fascinates the Dark Flow instrumental part guitar solo! It's just indescribably! Music of the final track of the album weaves in progressive dance with singing, charming and complicating The Endless Struggle composition.