The universe has so many facets of interesting possibilities, so Unisonic - Light Of Dawn (Limited Edition) will show you the sunrise in different forms !
Venite 2.0 takes us into the unseen distance, a wonderful orchestra recreates the inexhaustible newness of space and the unknown universe, combining symphonic and unpredictability.
Symphony receives support of driving rhythm, rushing with the explosive power of verse to the calm respite of the bridge, to throw out the accumulated energy in the chorus which states that Your Time Has Come!
Starting thoughtful reflection, recalculates the previous achievements and ideas Exceptional continues as midtempo balanced composition, rises from to the clouds in the chorus and ends with the prevailing primary motive.
Fluttering guitar whirlwind of fury, upraising in instrumental tornado - but the vocals tames and subdues For The Kingdom the rage of musical rush untill the chorus hurricane.
Not Gonna Take Anymore inspires the crowd screams for joint, combining sentiment into a powerful fist of gripping ballad that felt from the stars!
Intro permeates the wisdom and experience of a monologue, that inspires Night Of The Long Knives. Next guitar rushing from side to side, complementing clear rhythm and vocal delights with its variations.
Dense blows nails sublime inspired vocal phrases to the shore, pace changes from successive violent drive to the ballad tenderness, that inspires all to Dense blow nailed sublime inspired vocal phrases, the tempo by successive violent drive to the ballad of tenderness that inspires to Find Shelter all around.
Guitar fingering accompany Blood, soft and delicate sound romantic story, creating a lyrical atmosphere, receiving a brilliant and exquisite form of a gentle wonderfull ballad. Then a delicious and beautiful guitar solo uprises song to next level of charming delights.
When The Deed Is Done combines power and charge tight powerful drive with a gentle charming romantic minstrel ballad. Intriguingly starting Throne Of The Dawn takes us into center of battle rage, enveloping us with drive of violent attacks and infusing heat of the fight into the mind.
Powerful blows are paving path for the Manhunter, that strives to seek and destroy. There's no use to hide from he's hunt and to seek for shelter and refuge - intense guitar breaks are spirit experiences, inspires his followers to chanting his valor in chorus.
Gentle romantic ballad You And I extols reunion of loving hearts, that becomes as single entity only together.
Artwork ends with inspiring Judgement Day (European bonus track), that ascends to the idea that all acts will get the deserved estimation and proper tribute.