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Doom will indicate the dwelling place of restless souls

February 12, 2021
Nightfall Doom Metal - Where Sad Souls Dwell

Beginning with a sad symphony, the Your Essence song bewitches with the twilight mystery of musical grandeur, then supplementing the musical experiences with vocal appeals, raising the banners of grief and thoughtfulness. Then the echoes of medieval minstrel suites expand into the stylistic framework of the Nightfall Doom Metal - Where Sad Souls Dwell album. But the main leitmotif of the composition retains its influence on the development of its musical essence, complemented by sad shades of vocal experiences, shaded by an artistic musical background.
Pumping waves of harsh drive, then the musical proclamations of the My Soul composition recedes before the vocals phrases, beginning with the harsh narration of the male vocals. But then the cosmic echo of the keyboard suites is intertwined in artistic lace with the tunes of a singing lady. The Memorial: Earth keyboards symphony envelops the listener with veils of musical grandeur, complemented by the vocal monologue of a wise storyteller and echoes of the tunes of the mystical fairy.
The twilight mystery of forgotten tales weaves a captivating lace around the vocal narrative, enveloping it in the veils of epic symphony. Then the Living Sword vocals part is complemented by the distorted phrases of the invisible witch. The singing lady's vocal monologue complements the musical mystery, combining in a mesmerizing dance with vocal narration. The It Will Never Be Dark Like It Was Once continues a similar style, but the female vocals acquire demonic shades, complemented by the harsh phrases of the male vocals and the sad notes of a musical symphony. Then, in the final composition of the album, Gisela, female vocals acquire notes of romantic artistry, complemented by a romantic ballad of musical passages.