Fairies in grief, despond druids waits in sadness and helplessness To Wither - Ending Days.
An intriguing beginning, turning into a guitar tremolo starts Dreamfall then rolling tremolo goes over into dreamy story about unfulfilled dreams. And so goes the entire track - guitar fury and lyrical narrative, periodically changing each other.
Flowers are blooming, the grass grows and then the Winter is comin'. Sad stay looking out the window - as a snowstorm welling snowy drifts. Melancholy sounds sad, apathetic and gloomy, passing the surging emotions.
Paces with the drumbeats, reaper brings to us Death at Hand. Rhythm steadily performs its blows to chronicles of fates - relentlessly path and method of its passage!
Quiet and calm guitar and keyboards starts the story about Ending Days. Instrumental chimes does not depart from the ballad rhythm and track flows further like the sad symphony till the end.
You can not escape from it all, but if you search for Hiding, then maybe this case being something like that. Deliberately and thoughtfully-told story, carrying its canvas through the enveloping instrumental atmosphere like brittle and fragile artwork. Then the story ends ...
Sadness and sorrow of druids and fairies are embodied in the Hymn to the Forest. Melancholic story slowly leads its way from first notes to the completion of entire album.