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Damage to time is studied by dark magicians

September 30, 2021
Niedergang - Atkoskonyv

The Megperzselt Himnusz Az Alvilaghoz acoustic guitar bard song begins the musical narration of the Niedergang - Atkoskonyv album, enchanting the audience with an atmosphere of medieval fairy tales and forgotten legends, completing the addition of sound with musical power and harsh drive, anticipating the incarnation of fully in the A Megkeseredett Idotlenseg Megidezese composition, speeding up the music race, exposing the blade of the violent drive.
After thoughtful tunes of the acoustic guitar solo, the Langolo Szarnyak arnyekaban song is marching a melodic procession of solemn musical appeals. Tnveloping with a fascinating lace of the main motive, the A Maldoror-Fele atvaltozas composition of the listener is enveloped by the listener, fascinating in the wanderings in amazing realms.
The acoustic guitar solo of the A Maldoror-Fele atvaltozas minstrel ballad is entrusted to the next section of the album, which is ongoing with the Paktum A Szenvedes Szentharomsagaval epic saga, combining the elements of the musical thriller and shades of the charm of forgotten fairy tales. The Perverz Hozsanna Az Ordognek composition is rhythmically and confidently marching along the main motive musical path, confidently and rhythmically driven steps of a musical procession, accelerating in rapid vortices of instrumental bridges. The Az Istentelen Szerzodes Megszentsegtelenitese song is replete with a fierce swirl musical thriller, binding vocal and musical rage unite in a single musical stream. The A Kiuresedett Megsemmisules Invokacioja serves as a thoughtful album's outro.