The Big Deal (LVA) - Lai Deg! album's title track immediately appeals to the embodiment of its title, then pondering in the verse about the meaning and necessity of these actions. The bass guitar solo lays the foundation for the Celies augsa main motif, then topped with emotional vocal phrases and reassuring.
Sad reflections of the Esmu strida ar sevi fairy tale with the influence of northern folklore create a pensive atmosphere - as if sitting in a chair by the fireplace you remember past wanderings and adventures, continuing with romantic melodies of the Negaidi mani ballad, complementing the acoustic chime of guitar strings with dreamy vocal phrases.
The Es ceru uz kadu song combines echoes of medieval bards and epic musical motifs of their songs. But already the Mana Toksiska vide composition fully embodies the bardic tales, beginning with acoustic melodies, but then saturating and condensing the musical support and maintaining the main vocals with the singing of musical associates.
Drumming, bass guitar solo and musical assertiveness call for vocal rebelliousness, combined in a single assertive sound of the Balsis composition. But the Tu mana vieniga ballad again fascinates with the veils of melodic nega, dispelling worries and anxieties in anticipation of the bright sparkle full of hopes and aspirations for adventures of the Prata ir vetra final composition.