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Genre: Rock Style: Melodic Death
  1. Mir Zur Feier
  2. Misanthrope
  3. Misanthrophi
  4. Miscreant (SWE)
  5. Misericordiam
  6. Misery Inc. (FIN)
  7. Misery Machine (USA)
  8. Misery Speaks
  9. Misfolded
  10. Misfortune
  11. Miss May I
  12. Mist (Tur)
  13. Misteria
  14. Misteyes
  15. Mistral
  16. Mistweaver
  17. Mistyfate
  18. Mitigate
  19. Mnemic
  20. Mnich
  21. Moahni Moahna
  22. Moaning
  23. Moaning Wind
  24. Moltencore
  25. Mom Called Killer
  26. Moment Of Detonation
  27. Monolith (CAN)
  28. Monolith (DEU, Bavaria)
  29. Moonrise (ITA)
  30. Moonshade
  31. Moonshield
  32. Moonstruck (SWE)
  33. Morbid Death
  34. Morbid Theory
  35. Mordari
  36. Mordenial
  37. Mordium
  38. Moredhel (AUS)
  39. Moretotheshell
  40. Morgenrote
  41. Morgue Whore
  42. Morna
  43. Morningless
  44. Morningside
  45. Morphing Into Primal
  46. Morrigu (BEL)
  47. Mors Principium Est
  48. Mors Silens
  49. Mors Subita
  50. Mortal Plague
  51. Mortifilia
  52. Mortis Cruentus
  53. Mortjuri
  54. Morton, Mark
  55. Mortus
  56. Mortus (At)
  57. Mortyfear
  58. Morvheim
  59. Morzgul
  60. Mostomalta
  61. Moth (USA)
  62. Mourning Caress
  63. Mourning Ends
  64. Mourning Lenore
  65. Mourning Wolf
  66. Mouth Of The Serpent
  67. Moyra
  68. MrKill
  69. Mumincunt
  70. Murder King
  71. Mushroom Cloud
  72. Mustan Kuun Lapset
  73. Mutilasi Jelangkung
  74. Mutiny Within
  75. My Bitter End
  76. My Cold Embrace
  77. My Darkest Fury
  78. My Fair Lady
  79. My Fate
  80. My Material Season
  81. My Missing Half
  82. My Own Grave
  83. My Son My Executioner
  84. My Will Be Done
  85. myGRAIN
  86. Myra
  87. Myridian
  88. Myrkgand
  89. Mysidia
  90. Mysotheisme
  91. Mystic Circle
  92. Myth Of A Life
  93. Mythopoeia
  94. Mythos (USA)
  95. Némesis
  96. Nabath
  97. Naberus
  98. Nacion
  99. Nacom
  100. Nafak
  101. Nahemah (ESP)
  102. Naildown
  103. Nailed To Obscurity
  104. Nailer
  105. Naitaka
  106. Nanar, Never Walk Alone
  107. Nancial
  108. Narasimha
  109. Natan
  110. Nation Despair
  111. Neaera
  112. Near Death Experience
  113. Necramyth
  114. Necroart
  115. Necrofilia
  116. Necromicon
  117. Necropanther
  118. Necrostalgia
  119. Nectura
  120. Needleye
  121. Negentropy
  122. Nekkar
  123. Nemesis (SRB)
  124. Nemirie
  125. Neolix
  126. Neperia
  127. Nephilim (USA)
  128. Neptune (ITA)
  129. Nerumia
  130. Netherbird
  131. Netherfell
  132. Nethermost
  133. Netherstorm
  134. Netherward
  135. Neuraxis
  136. Neuronia
  137. Neurosphere
  138. Neurotic Machinery
  139. Never Ending Hate
  140. Neverborne
  141. Nevercold
  142. Neverland In Ashes
  143. Neverus
  144. New Dominion
  145. Nexus Omega
  146. Niburta
  147. Nicole (FIN)
  148. Night In Gales
  149. Nightfall (GRC)
  150. Nightkin
  151. Nightland
  152. Nightrage
  153. Nightshade (SWE)
  154. NightWraith
  155. Nigromantia (HUN)
  156. Ninetyfive50
  157. Ninja Gandhi
  158. NMK
  159. No Guerra
  160. No More Fear
  161. No Sign Of Life
  162. Nobody Lives Forever
  163. Nochaa
  164. Nocte Obducta
  165. Nocturn (FRA)
  166. Nocturna (LBN)
  167. Nocturnal Winds
  168. Noeazy
  169. Noise Forest
  170. Noldor
  171. Nomiloth
  172. Nomogenez
  173. Non Divine Sun
  174. Nonexist
  175. Nonexistent
  176. Noosphera
  177. Norcelement
  178. Nordjarvi
  179. Norther
  180. Northern Genocide
  181. Northshroud
  182. Not Above Evil
  183. Nothgard
  184. Nothing Lies Beyond
  185. Nothnegal
  186. Nothung
  187. Noumena
  188. Nova Prospect (USA)
  189. Novembers Fall
  190. Nox Aeterna
  191. Nox Aurea
  192. Noxious (JPN)
  193. Nuclear Chaos
  194. Nunca Digas Muere
  195. Nux Vomica (USA, Portland)
  196. Nyctophile
  197. Nyktophobia
  198. Nymeria
  199. O-Nirik
  200. Obedient Chaos