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Genre: Rock Style: Thrash
  1. Prophecy (BRA)
  2. Prophecy 23
  3. Prophetic Scourge
  4. Prophets of Yahweh
  5. Prora
  6. Prosody (USA, Pe)
  7. Prospective Reign
  8. Prosthetics
  9. Protector
  10. Protest
  11. Protest Urban
  12. Prototype (USA)
  13. Prowler (USA, NY)
  14. Psiconauta
  15. Psicosis (Chl)
  16. Psicosis (NIC)
  17. Psordid
  18. Psychic Possessor
  19. Psycho
  20. Psycho Choke
  21. Psychomancer
  22. Psychonaut (AUS)
  23. Psychopath (MLT)
  24. Psychopath (POL)
  25. Psychopath (USA)
  26. Psychopathic Terror
  27. Psychosomatic
  28. Psychotic Eyes
  29. Psychotomy
  30. Psychotrain
  31. Psychotron
  32. Psychotrone
  33. Psyckophony
  34. Psyclops
  35. PsyCode
  36. PsyKosiS
  37. Pulling Teeth
  38. Punch
  39. Punish My Heaven
  40. Punishment (AUT)
  41. Pure Hate
  42. Pure Negativ
  43. Pure Sweet Hell
  44. Purenvy
  45. Purgatory (USA, CV)
  46. Purification (ITA)
  47. Purified In Blood
  48. Purify (DEU)
  49. Puritan (BRA)
  50. Putrid (PER)
  51. Pyoveli
  52. Pyracanda
  53. Pyuria
  54. Quake The Earth
  55. Quassar
  56. Questioner
  57. Questions
  58. QuickFire
  59. Quintessenz
  60. Qumran
  61. Quo Vadis (POL)
  62. Qutin
  63. Rabid
  64. Racial Purity
  65. Radial Velocity
  66. Radiathor
  67. Radiation Sickness
  68. Radical
  69. Rafflesia
  70. Rage Behind
  71. Ragehammer
  72. Rager (GBR)
  73. Ragestorm
  74. Raging Mob
  75. Raging Steel
  76. Raider (CAN)
  77. Rail Rage
  78. Rain Is Art
  79. Rainspawn
  80. Raise Hell
  81. Rajalla
  82. Rambokk
  83. Rammer
  84. Ramming Speed
  85. Ramon
  86. Ramp
  87. Rampage (AUS)
  88. RAN
  89. Rancid Skull
  90. Rancor
  91. Random Acts Of Violence
  92. Randomorder
  93. Raped God 666
  94. Rapidforce
  95. Rapist
  96. Rapture (GRC)
  97. Raspatul
  98. Ratos De Porao
  99. Rattenkrieg
  100. Rattlehead
  101. Ratzinger
  102. Raunchy
  103. Ravage (Deu, Dusseldorf)
  104. Ravage (USA, MA)
  105. Ravage Red
  106. Ravager (DEU)
  107. Ravendark
  108. Ravenous (GBR)
  109. Ravenous Mob
  110. RavenSkul
  111. Raw
  112. Raw Ensemble
  113. Raw In Sect
  114. Raw Radar War
  115. Rawfoil
  116. Raze
  117. Razgate
  118. Razones Concientes
  119. Razor of Occam
  120. Razorhail
  121. Razormaze
  122. Razzia
  123. Re-Animator
  124. Reabilitator
  125. Reactory
  126. Ready for Death
  127. Reaktion
  128. Realm (USA)
  129. Reanimator
  130. Reaper (COL)
  131. Reaper (GBR)
  132. Reaper (MYS)
  133. Reaper-X
  134. Reapter
  135. Reavers
  136. Rebel Hell
  137. Rebellion (MEX)
  138. Reborn (BRA)
  139. Recalcitrance (USA)
  140. Recast
  141. Reckless Tide
  142. Recrucide
  143. Red Death (USA, Washington D.C.)
  144. Red Eyes (CHE)
  145. Red Front
  146. Red Lamb
  147. Red Pill
  148. Red Razor
  149. Red Riot
  150. Red To Grey
  151. Redacted
  152. Redback
  153. Redeemed In Pain
  154. Redeemer (CAN)
  155. Redeemer (ITA)
  156. Redencion
  157. Redentor
  158. Redeye (FIN)
  159. Redimoni
  160. RedMist Destruction
  161. Redox
  162. Redrum Inc
  163. Redtie
  164. Reencarnacion (Chl)
  165. Reencarnacion (COL)
  166. Reflection (DEU)
  167. Reflexor
  168. Refuge Thrash
  169. Regicide Decease
  170. Reign (USA)
  171. Reign Of Fury
  172. Reign Of Terror (AUS)
  173. Reignsaw
  174. Released Anger
  175. Religio Mortis
  176. Remission
  177. Remorse (Hun)
  178. Remorse (NLD)
  179. Renegados
  180. Repent
  181. Replika
  182. Repressor
  183. Reprisal
  184. Reprisal Scars
  185. Reproach
  186. Reptile (PRT)
  187. Republic Of Desire
  188. Repugnant
  189. Repugnatory
  190. Repulsa
  191. Repulsive (CHL)
  192. Repulsive Aggression
  193. Requiem Mass
  194. Residuals
  195. Resistance (FRA)
  196. Resistance (USA)
  197. Resistance of Yield
  198. Resistor (DEU)
  199. Resleep
  200. Restless Mind (RUS)