Exploding with emotional experiences of vocal rage Holy Wolf weaves together in the Ankor - White Dragon album several musical styles, combining in the vocal part the tunes of clean female vocals and screaming. Ghosts begins with a sad ballad, but after invoking screaming it accelerates the pace, complementing vocal thoughts with notes of anxiety.
Complementing the musical narrative with echoes of popular music, the Hill Valley vocals brings a certain mystery. Bringing a viscous round dance of a marching drive, the intro guitar solo hardens the sound, introducing brooding notes of emotional experience with the New Kingdom vocal part.
Swift drive brings fierce Walking Dead musical thriller, while maintaining the emotional sound of vocal experiences. Vocals reflections complements the lyrics with Spanish. Continuing the inspired drive, the Fences is dancing in a musical narrative. Gravity continues the motifs laid down by previous compositions, weaving music and vocals into the inspiration of a bewitching dance, varying the tempo and rhythm in accordance with the vocal narration.
The vocals come to the forefront of the Sail musical image, complementing the main part with a muffled whisper and raising the banners of throbbing rage. Automatic vocals walks with notes of lounge and emotions. Bringing the vocal part to the forefront of the musical image Nebula completes the album with recitative thoughts.