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So many dreams have to control

March 28, 2022
Blushing - Blushing

The unhurried brooding of musical mystery envelops vocal reflections of the Blushing - Blushing album with the charm of unhurried reflection, bringing mystery to the So Many vocal tunes of the singing lady. Then the music soars with a rebellious appeal of sparkling drive, combining with dreamy vocal phrases in the musical palette of the Dream Merchants song, combining then in a mesmerizing musical unity with notes of romantic charm in the sound of The Last Time composition.
The music brings a sense of impatience with the announcement of the Control vocals experience, but anxiety and uncertainty dissipate with the joyful inspiration of The Truth song, continuing the anticipation of further wanderings, impressions and experiences in the musical palette of the Pressure thoughtful story.
Soft and gentle Sunshine music tunes in unity with vocal phrases call for peace and tranquility, calling up memories of the most pleasant moments of life. The Running composition continues similar muhykal moods with notes of romanticism and memories of love affairs in a tender brooding romantic atmosphere, then transforming into the artistic inspiration of the Me With You song, which leads to the charming pulsations of the Her final composition of the album.