The fierce drive of the capital composition rolls the musical canvas of the LuciFuge - Infernal Power album with an incredible energy and unity of music and vocal in a joint deadly dance of a frantic drive. The Leviathan Arise and Black Battalions compositions indicates the direction of development of the main motive by their guitar riffs, then alternating majority of these musical elements with vocal rage in a musical image.
After the fierce, energetic and unrestrained entry, the Temples of Madness displays the vocals part to the front plan of the sorrows. The Heresy Shall Remain composition fascinates the swirl combination of musical passages with vocals experiences.
Musical drive and rage incredibly sealing and tighten the power of their sound, then complementing the sound of the Beneath the Eyes of the Black Flame composition by vocal despair. But the Black Light of the Evening Star song somewhat retreats from such a gloomy horror, bringing some charm and playfulness to the sound.
Musical passages create an atmosphere mystic severity, then The Doors of Hell May Shake supplements this musical wrath with vocals sound, rearing blade of vocal's rage. The pulsating musical dance is chaging guitar riffs, then combined with the union with the vocal squeezes of the Good as It Is song. The Midnight Sun composition completes the album, which is easily and excitingly listened as a single musical stream.