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Heed The Warning

Seventh Angel
What do you think about life after death
When you're dead will there be anything left
Is this life all you have when your time is through

You took a trip into the countryside
A sunny day you thought you'd go for a ride
Faster and faster you felt your heart race
But a look of horror appears upon your face

You could not stop and now you're dead
They could not save you, you've reached the end
But what is happening, you thought you were gone
You fell your soul journeying on

But now you're standing in front of a great white throne
You see the Lord whom you have never known
You know your time on earth has been wasted
You heard about him but you never tasted

Lying there before him, the book of life is read
No I never knew you, away from me He said

I wish I had repented while I had the chance
Now my soul is trapped in darkness forever
I know there's no escape forever I'm here
I know there's no way out, this Lord I'll never serve
How will I feel in a million years?
All around you can feel the fear ALL this is true
It's no fairy story, I cannot die there's no end for me
But this is not the end of the story
He went to hell but you can live in glory
If you're washed in the blood of christ,
eternity is in paradise HEED THE WARNING
- see the morning