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The Imaculate Conception

Sabbat (GBR)
Awakening now from my slumber
Beholding the glories of centuries past,
My souls destination,
My minds revelation,
Revealed in my heart as it shaters

Crowning the king of an aeon thats dawning
Christened in tears of impotent fools
Avenging with sorrow the hearts that you've broken
Drained of devotion - Emotional ghouls,

Mocked and castrated - Emasculated
Ridiculed from my belief,
With my spirit now broken,
My threats are but token defiance,
At your years of unending deciet

Declared a reluctant messiah
Desiring a painess release on the cross,
With my kindness of passion,
So long out of fashion,
My celebate soul begs for paradise lost

Soloman reigning - Arrayed in his glory,
Immaculate beauty conceived,
Let the prince be a fool,
Yet the jester may rule,
When the tables are turned - and the truth is revealed

Mocked and castrated - etc
No hope in believing,
A Saviour will come to redeem - at last,
Raped and abused,
Innocents used - By corruption
Then empty are scattered like haff

Awakening now - etc
Crowning the king - etc
Mocked and castrated - etc

Gentle jesu meek and mild
Pity thou this little chiled
You turn a blind eye as I weep
But watch me for my soul to keep
I bow my head and close my eyes
But beg you not to patronise
A Shame that such humility
Shall burn in hell eternally
Forever...and ever..and ever