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Red Wigglers

Feverish rites of the culinary macabreConsuming pork when not fully cookedTeeming colonies of maggots swarm withinContracted the deadly affliction overlookedBotulism sets in as the sweat intensifiesDeath in hours is sure and expectedTrichinosis diagnosed no cure is knownThe agony of seafoog not thoroughly inspectedDebris-ridden vomitYour insides jellifyRevulsion of intestinesDie...The swift, horrible fate of the disease is asphyxiation,A most terrible painful death from which there is no salvationIntestinal worms burrow throughout your corpseAs the plague reveals its ultimate benedictionThe slime, the rot, the bubbling bileThe red larvae of this curious infectionCannibalized slopSquishes and squirmsRed wigglers...The cadillac of worms