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Extinction Of Mu

Continuum (FRA)
On the Ocean, in the primeval times, existed a now engulfed land of wonders. This continent was the garden of Eden - the Mother of all Human civilisations.
Babylon and Egypt wERE one of the last breath of its splendour, its fading children who died when she was no longer There...
But all was vanity and lust in this corrupted city of light, which is what provokeD its loss.
When the Bal star fell, the seven cities wERE shakeN as a leaf in the storm. A flood of fire and smoke rOSE from the palaces. Crying and screaming people ran to the temples, but He was standing out: "Haven't I foretOLD it?"
"You all shall die, with your slaves and wealth, and from your ashes will raise new nations. And if they forgot they are superior because of their acts and not because of their possessions, so the same fate will be their"
So Flames devoured and torrents of the sea submerged this henceforth drown and engulfed continent.