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We The Macedonians

Above all the humans,
From hearts of lion born
The strongest, the smartest we are
The blood of Makedon we own
The bravest nation of this world

Children of the moon.
Children of the sun
Everyone is proud to call himself
Great Mecedonian

This world, this time
The fire, the ice
Cannot tell the truth that everyone wants
The oldest cradle of this life
Is spawned in the land of Macedonians

Led by Philip we destroyed the city-states
Marched to Olymp with brother's
That once were my friends
The gods of Olymp may eternally hail
The son of Philip of Macedonia

Alexander, you fearless leader-rise!
This world needs your wisdom
To start again it's time
Rise to see your sons
High as Pirin, big as Egei
The blood called Vardar is running
Through their veins

Your fatherhood cries
Every part of Macedonia dies
Tears down it's heroes
Samoil, Goce, Chento
Black Plague!!
Some, denies you - and call them selve Slavs
But we, we are born and we will die with
Proud of Macedonians