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Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana)
Hip-Hop  /  Pop  /  Dance  /  R&B/Soul  /  Electronica  /  Alternative
Dance Pop  /  R&B  /  Explicit content  /  Euro House  /  House  /  Downtempo  /  Trap  /  Vocal Pop  /  Contemporary R&B
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Eternal Sunshine (Slightly Deluxe) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2024 Eternal Sunshine (Slightly Deluxe) 17 00:47:30
Eternal Sunshine (Slightly Deluxe And Also Live) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2024 Eternal Sunshine (Slightly Deluxe And Also Live) 24 01:08:55
Positions (Deluxe) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2021 Positions (Deluxe) 19 00:51:38
Positions - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2020 Positions 14 00:41:07
thank u, next - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2019 thank u, next 12 00:41:05
Sweetener - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2018 Sweetener 15 00:47:26
Dangerous Woman (Limited Deluxe Edition) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2016 Dangerous Woman (Limited Deluxe Edition) 15 00:55:26
Dangerous Woman (Japanese Special Price Edition) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2016 Dangerous Woman (Japanese Special Price Edition) 18 01:06:30
Yours Truly (Japan Version) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2014 Yours Truly (Japan Version) 15 00:58:47
My Everything - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2014 My Everything 17 00:57:19
My Everything (iTunes Bonus) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2014 My Everything (iTunes Bonus) 1 00:03:17
My Everything (Japanese Deluxe Edition) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2014 My Everything (Japanese Deluxe Edition) 18 01:00:37
My Everything (Walmart Exclusive Deluxe Edition) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2014 My Everything (Walmart Exclusive Deluxe Edition) 16 00:57:27
Yours Truly - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2013 Yours Truly 12 00:46:21
Yours Truly (Deluxe Edition) - Ariana Grande (Grande-Butera, Ariana) 2013 Yours Truly (Deluxe Edition) 14 00:53:54
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Ariana Grande is an american actress and singer. Starts musical career in 2011 by the "Victorious" TV series soundtrack and contract with the record company Republic Records.
She released her debut album "Yours Truly" in 2013, reaching number one on the US Billboard 200 chart. This album's song "The Way" was fixed in the Top Billboard Hot 100 and was positively received by music critics, next album "My Everything" also was at the top of the US chart in 2014 and gains worldwide success thanks to the "Problem", "Break Free", "Bang Bang" and "Love Me Harder" was 34 weeks in the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100 chart. In 2015, she went on a world tour in support of this album, entitled The Honeymoon World Tour.
Then she released the Dangerous Woman album and goes on a world tour with the same name in 2016. Her concert at the Manchester Arena May 22, 2017 was awful - explosion have killed 23 people and 122 were injured. June 4 at the concert in Manchester she honored the victims of the tragedy with Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and other artists.

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