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Holidays are sometimes quite unexpected

August 28, 2020
Vicious Rumors - Celebration Decay

The siren and the announcers' voices anticipate the dark mystery of the guitar solo, then continue the Vicious Rumors - Celebration Decay album's title track with a meteoric acceleration with vocals intro and the enchanting artistry of the instrumental guitar solo. The Pulse of the Dead continues the musical procession with a mid-tempo march, sometimes exasperating the inspired vocal tunes with harsh harsh and introducing whirlwinds of drive.
Enchanting with a guitar solo of the intro, the Arrival of Desolation song with vocal intro lightens the sound, crowning the pulsing rhythms with inspired vocal phrases. The Any Last Words brings back the musical gloom, bringing a certain bitterness with guitar passages. The Asylum of Blood walks the line between an epic ballad and the harsh mid-tempo narration of a heroic saga. But the Darkness Divine song chooses the side of the romantic ballad, entering the charm of the chime of the strings of an acoustic guitar, complementing it with sophisticated vocal harsh. The Long Way Home continues the ballad romance, transforming it into the pacifying inspiration of home.
Fiercing vocals and music, the Cold Blooded track rolls in waves of a harsh mid-tempo march. Slightly accelerating the tempo, the Death Eternal crowns the music and vocals with an enchanting chime of inspiration, complementing this unity with the charm of a guitar solo.
For those who are tired without a rapid drive, the Collision Course Disaster cuts the canvas of musical thoughts with the blade of a musical thriller. The Masquerade of Good Intentions closes the album with the artistry of vocal charisma combined in dance with variable musical passages.