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Everything has the opposite

September 30, 2023
Massen - Contraesthetic

Soft and melodic musical variations begin the musical path of The Depth composition, enveloping the listener in the romantic atmosphere of an enchanting ballad, into which the background vocal whisper then penetrates, continuing with the unity of music and vocals in the feelings of twilight despair of dark melodic music, ending with a saddened vocals confession.
Soaring in a whirlwind of rapid drive in the introduction, the Cold Clouds song continues the Massen - Contraesthetic album with whirlwinds of furious drive, complemented by sparkling guitar solos, instrumental bridges and enchanting melodic musical fragments, complemented by the charm of a singing lady. Then the male and female vocals intertwine in a riot, wrapped in melodic musical charm, ending in a whirlwind of furious drive and vocals ferocity, but then returning to melodic charm with the singing lady.
Driven by vocal fury, the music weaves into the frantic speed of the unbridled drive of A Step to Silence musical thriller, entwining vocals rebellion with sparkling whirlwinds of guitar passages. The vocal unity of male and female vocals completes the composition in unity with a bewitching melodic charm.
The mesmerizing acoustic chime of guitar strings complements the gentle charm of the vocal lyrics of the singing lady, intertwining in the enchanting and thoughtful dance of the By Water to the Sun bard ballad, which is complemented by brief background phrases of male vocals and the enchanting artistry of the incredibly melodic violin and guitar solo of the instrumental part, then again combined with the vocals story of the enchanting lady. The Flock of Whores musical thriller brutalizes music and vocals in a joint deadly dance, once again returning to the rapid and uncontrollable flight of furious drive, piercing the musical space with a sharp blade, complemented by the melodic charm of guitar passages and violin variations.
A whirlwind of furious drive twisting into a melodic blade complements the female vocals in the unrestrained flight of a sharp arrow, piercing the musical expanses with the blade and pacifying the tempo with the introduction of male vocals in a rhythmic march, starting the album-ending dilogy of the title track, its Contraesthetics, Pt. 1 first part, then again and again artistically varying the tempo and musicality ій The drawing introduces new and new shades into the vocal part, completing this part of the duology with the symphonic charm of melodic musical variations and an inspired vocal story, anticipating the sound of the next, Contraesthetics, Pt. 2, of the lilogy, combining artistic musical melody with the inspired sound of a vocal story , but then taking off again in a brief rapid flight, anticipating the final rhythmic march.