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Leopold Stokowski Philadelphia Orchestra

Leopold Stokowski Philadelphia Orchestra
Leopold Stokowski conducts J.S. Bach Works
EMI Music Publishing Ltd
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Leopold Stokowski conducts J.S. Bach Works

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# Track title Length Lyrics
1 Bach Johann Sebastian - Toccata & Fugue d moll, BWV 565 10:08
2 Bach Johann Sebastian - WTK 1: Preludium & Fuga es moll, BWV 853 05:08
3 Bach Johann Sebastian - Chorale 'Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen', BWV 486 05:24
4 Bach Johann Sebastian - Prelude Chorale "Wir Glauben all'an einen Gott, Schopfer", BWV 680 03:22
5 Bach Johann Sebastian - Chorale from the 'Easter Oratorio', BWV 249 04:26
6 Bach Johann Sebastian - Passacaglie & Fugue c moll, BWV 582 14:51