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Genre: Alternative Style: Post-Rock/Post-Metal
  1. Volplane
  2. Volta Do Mar
  3. Voltar
  4. Von Duesz
  5. Voodoo Economics
  6. Waking Aida
  7. Walls of Ashes
  8. Wander
  9. Wandering With
  10. Wang Wen
  11. Wastrels
  12. Watered
  13. Waters Deep Here
  14. We All Die! What A Circus!
  15. We Are Ghosts
  16. We Deserve This
  17. We Dream Alone
  18. We Found a Lovebird
  19. We Invented The Night
  20. We Made God
  21. We Stood Like Kings
  22. We Versus The Shark
  23. We vs. Death
  24. We Were Heading North
  25. We'll Die Smiling
  26. We're All Ghosts
  28. Weeknight
  29. Wells Valley
  30. Wembly Shadwell
  31. Wess Meets West
  32. WeX
  33. Whale Fall
  34. What Seas, What Shores
  35. What The Blood Revealed
  36. When
  37. When The Clouds
  38. When Whales Collide
  39. While I See Sound
  40. White Bear Polar Tundra
  41. Whitley, Trixie
  42. WHOOP-Szo
  43. Widek
  44. Wilco
  45. Wild Dogs In Winter
  46. Wildbirds & Peacedrums
  47. Will Samson
  48. Will, George
  49. Windsor For The Derby
  50. Windy & Carl
  51. Winter Dust
  52. Wintergatan
  53. Wolfredt
  54. Wolsik
  55. Workhouse
  56. World's End Girlfriend
  57. Worldengine
  58. Worm Ouroboros
  59. Worrytrain
  60. Woven Hand
  61. Wreck and Reference
  62. Wrekmeister Harmonies
  63. WuW
  64. Wyatt E.
  65. X Suns
  66. Xiu Xiu
  67. Xrin Arms
  68. Yamon Yamon
  69. Yaneka
  70. Yasushi Yoshida
  71. Yawning
  72. Yawning Man
  73. Yawning Sons
  74. Years Of Rice & Salt
  75. Yellow Swans
  76. Yellow6
  77. Yndi Halda
  78. Yoma
  79. You Already Know
  80. You Are A Soul
  81. You Bred Raptors
  82. You May Die In the Desert
  83. You Slut!
  84. Young Oceans
  85. Young Pioneers
  86. Youth Pictures of Florence Henderson
  87. Youthmovies
  88. Ytheband
  89. Yucatan
  90. Yuko
  91. Yuma Sun
  92. Yutaka Aoki
  93. Zairus
  94. Zaraza
  95. Zechs Marquise
  96. Zenzile
  97. Zero (FRA)
  98. Zhaoze
  99. Zillatron
  100. Zonal
  101. Zs
  102. Zu
  103. ZXYZXY
  104. [bleu]
  105. Батюшка (RUS)
  106. Брови Папы
  107. Вася Ложкин и Какие-то Люди
  108. Вечность.Слушать.Ветер
  109. Глубина
  110. Джунгли
  111. Зелёные Рукава
  112. Кооператив Ништяк
  113. Курс Кая
  114. Люди Просто Плюются
  115. Мои Ракеты Вверх
  116. Мой Versal'
  117. Ночной Проспект
  118. Пончо Панамас
  119. Сны Моего Неба
  120. СтереоЗольдат
  121. Таймсквер
  122. Хлеб
  123. ЦИНК
  124. Эшелон
  125. Язык Дождя