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Pink Roses

don't you remember that only yesterday you threw
a spear right through my heart? and you think you're
getting it back toll free...nope. i'm a little crazy like that. i'm wiping
you from the rose petals in my head. I'm shining our tombstones. i'm
trying to raise the dead...but it's the everyday rituals that declare
martyrs our of the simple man. (didn't you ever try to shave with
one hand?). you can't avoid permission if your mom has
signed the slip. besides, "i need it this way." "i wanted it this way."
i sleep evernight with a tiger under my arm and a ring on my finger
and you think i might wake up.
-mercy hospital, october 1996.
i would die if you'd be my savior.
actually, i would die if you could
be my kind. i have nothing bad in
mind...i promise. (sneer-sneer, snicker-snicker)