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Catalysts For Cataclysms

Absence Of The Sacred
Tools of the flesh ingrained into subservience
Slaves to masters of the same flesh
Loss of will paves the way
Churning to support the pillars of avarice

These are the catalysts
For cataclysms

These hands have felt the blood
Of wasted years that have come and gone
These eyes have witnessed the horrors
Of humanity's disgrace

Drink from the dichotomy of apathy
Existing to be only part of the blind
Guiding hands that bring you down
Past the ground

We have wrought destruction
Harbingers to what we have built
Empires of tyranny and closed mentalities

We are the bastard scourge
That holds open the gates of war
Of suicide, genocide and disease

Fear and disconcertion
Ignorance and blind devotion
Raw material for total dystopia
Emotionless and dead to the touch