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Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Kriegserklarung (CD 1) - Painbastard 2010 Kriegserklarung (CD 1) 13 00:59:24 320 136.22 Mb 2.37€
Borderline - Painbastard 2007 Borderline 14 01:14:16 VBR-228 107.75 Mb 2.36€
Klangfusion Vol.1 (CD 2): Painbastard - Nyctophobia - Painbastard 2007 Klangfusion Vol.1 (CD 2): Painbastard - Nyctophobia
[Tribute by [SITD] ]
10 00:56:28 320 129.5 Mb 1.95€
Klangfusion Vol.1 (CD 1): [:SITD:] - Kreuz:Gang - Painbastard 2007 Klangfusion Vol.1 (CD 1): [:SITD:] - Kreuz:Gang
[Tribute by [SITD] ]
8 00:42:09 320 96.63 Mb 1.52€
No Need To Worry - Painbastard 2006 No Need To Worry 15 01:14:32 VBR-246 121.99 Mb 2.56€
Overkill - Painbastard 2005 Overkill 13 01:07:37 320 155.05 Mb 2.47€
Storm Of Impermanence - Painbastard 2005 Storm Of Impermanence 9 00:46:57 VBR-246 73.84 Mb 1.54€
Skin On Fire - Painbastard 2003 Skin On Fire 12 00:50:17 192 69.23 Mb 1.91€
Just Like Dying - Painbastard 2001 Just Like Dying 16 01:19:20 192 109.12 Mb 2.63€
Mindrevolution - Painbastard 2001 Mindrevolution 7 00:30:14 192 41.58 Mb 1.12€
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