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Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Dance With The Devil - Delain 2024 Dance With The Devil 15 01:03:53 320 147.35 Mb 2.69€
Dark Waters (CD 1) - Delain 2023 Dark Waters (CD 1) 11 00:51:27 320 117.95 Mb 2.02€
Dark Waters (CD 2 - Instrumentals) - Delain 2023 Dark Waters (CD 2 - Instrumentals) 10 00:47:16 320 108.4 Mb 1.84€
Apocalypse & Chill - Delain 2020 Apocalypse & Chill 13 00:56:03 320 128.55 Mb 2.33€
Moonbathers (Limited Edition) [CD 1] - Delain 2016 Moonbathers (Limited Edition) [CD 1] 11 00:47:24 320 109.81 Mb 1.98€
Moonbathers (Limited Edition) [CD 2] - Delain 2016 Moonbathers (Limited Edition) [CD 2] 6 00:25:20 320 58.66 Mb 1.07€
The Human Contradiction (Limited Edition) - Delain 2014 The Human Contradiction (Limited Edition) 9 00:42:00 320 96.29 Mb 1.65€
The Human Contradiction (Limited Edition: Bonus CD) - Delain 2014 The Human Contradiction (Limited Edition: Bonus CD) 9 00:38:33 320 88.38 Mb 1.61€
The Human Contradiction (Mazzar Records Limited Edition) [CD 1] - Delain 2014 The Human Contradiction (Mazzar Records Limited Edition) [CD 1] 9 00:42:00 320 98.09 Mb 1.66€
The Human Contradiction (Mazzar Records Limited Edition) [CD 2: Interlude] - Delain 2014 The Human Contradiction (Mazzar Records Limited Edition) [CD 2: Interlude] 13 00:53:51 320 126.17 Mb 2.32€
We Are the Others (Special Edition) - Delain 2012 We Are the Others (Special Edition) 16 01:04:55 320 150.21 Mb 2.83€
We Are The Others (Deluxe Edition)h - Delain 2012 We Are The Others (Deluxe Edition)h 17 01:09:27 320 161.54 Mb 3.02€
April Rain - Delain 2009 April Rain 12 00:50:15 320 116.14 Mb 2.14€
April Rain (Deluxe Edition) - Delain 2009 April Rain (Deluxe Edition) 13 00:55:27 320 128.89 Mb 2.33€
Lucidity - Delain 2006 Lucidity 12 00:54:39 320 125.32 Mb 2.19€
Lucidity (Deluxe Edition) - Delain 2006 Lucidity (Deluxe Edition) 16 01:11:17 320 163.83 Mb 2.9€
Amenity (Demo) - Delain 2002 Amenity (Demo) 4 00:19:38 VBR-168 23.29 Mb 0.64€
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