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Weapons and armor clink with metal

August 30, 2020
A Sound Of Thunder - It Was Metal

A swift whirlwind of drive lifts the vocal part of the Phantom Flight song, combining the emotionality of female vocals with the severity of male vocals, to the crest of the waves of a musical storm. In the instrumental part, bass and solo guitar compete for dominance in the musical image. The speedy guitar passage of the intro ends with an instrumental bridge of reflections, but then the Lifebringer composition continues the sound of the A Sound Of Thunder - It Was Metal album with a swift drive, crowned with the rebellious inspiration of female vocals. In the middle, the music gets rid of mysterious mysteries with echoes of cosmic currents, but the vocals bring back the wildness of the musical thriller.
The bass guitar solo creates the atmosphere of the intro with the rhythmic alarm of the Atlacatl battle march, which then complements the vocal narration.Harmonica tunes bring the atmosphere of the wild west to the The Crossroads Deal tunes, but then the music combines these tunes with harsh drive, in the It Was Metal title track tightening the rhythm and rushing into a race of frantic drive, crowned with female vocals.
Soft and gentle musical passages are combined in the bewitching tunes of female vocals, combined in the symphonic charm of the introduction of the epic saga, then transformed into the Obsidian & Gold (Desdinova Returns) mid-tempo anthem. Then this alternation is repeated again. Once again, the Second Lives mesmerizing tunes of the romantic symphony begin in an acoustic charm with female vocals, then accelerate in a whirlwind of inspirational drive. Combining a battle march and an epic saga in a single musical stream, the Els Segadors (The Reapers) composition combines English and Spanish lyrics in the vocal part.
Chants celebrating courage and confidence roll in waves of impressive drive, bringing the singing lady's vocals to the forefront of the Tomyris musical image. After the viscous harshness of the intro, the Charles II vocals cries out for a faster tempo and chases into the swiftness of a musical thriller. The Fortress of the Future Race develops the unrestrained drive to the most speedy composition of the album, ending it with a fast drive with furious vocal phrases.