The unhurried artistic inspiration of the World of Adventures musical fairy tale slowly, thoughtfully and fascinatingly begins the musical narrative of the Flower Kings - Back In The World Of Adventures (2022 Remaster) album, leisurely walking along the chosen path of progressive musical melody and brooding vocal inspiration. The Atomic Prince composition begins with melodies embodying battle horns but continues with a fascinating romantic instrumental charm, continuing the instrumental delights and improvisations in the sound of the Go West Judas track. After the progressive introduction, the Train to Nowhere song elevates vocal reflections to the pinnacle of a mesmerizing musical artwork, developing the Oblivion Road musical hypostasis along the path of instrumental charm of wind instruments together with the mystical mystery of guitar solos, which come to the fore in the musical image of the Theme for a Hero instrumental composition, echoing in a fascinating unity and captivating in wanderings through artistic charm and dreamy delights.
Acting as an instrumental intro to the final section of the album, the Temple of the Snakes track creates an intriguing mystery followed by the inspired narrative of the My Cosmic Lover song. Returning again to the intriguing mystery of The Wonder Wheel musical haze prepares the listener to perceive the mystery of the sound of the Big Puzzle final composition of this album.