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We have to worship the plague

May 12, 2022
Absent in Body -  Plague God

Shrouded in the foreshadowing of vague changes and the twilight veils of musical mystery, the Rise from Ruins song slowly marches through these shadows, sometimes raising cries of despair and pleas of those suffering for deliverance from torment. But the music will return to the Absent in Body - Plague God album's atmosphere of gloomy harshness and severity that is sounds unite with the gloomy vocals proclamations.
A leisurely procession of obscure and mysterious passages complements the vocal reflections with an appropriate musical atmosphere in the development of the idea of the musical essence of the In Spirit in Spite composition.
The Sarin song pushes the vocal part to the forefront of the musical image, complementing the vocal excitement with the final turns of guitar riffs.
The intensity of the musical covers envelops the gloom of vocal despair in the sound of the The Acres/The Ache compilation, but then brings echoes of romantic sadness with saxophone motifs and the influence of jazz on artistic musical associations of stylistic features in search of musical originality and the discovery of new musical variations in unification with the sadness of pensive vocal narratives, completing the musical narrative of the album with some echoes of dark rituals in the unhurried procession of The Half Rising Man final twilight anthem with the great jazz creativity.