The intriguing mystery of the introduction is followed by the alternation and combination of explosions of violent drive and dark fairy tale in the sound of the Let The Weak Suffer song, ending with the sparkling charm of a bright guitar solo anticipating the melodic charm of the The Fallen Prophets - Perpetual Damnation album, combining the rhythmic pulsations of the battle march with the enchanting echoes of the musical charm of the dark fairy tale, ending with the rolls of a frantic drive and the rolling melodies of the Eliminate The Worthless song.
After an intriguing introduction with enchanting motifs and echoes of a dark fairy tale, the Unending Decay composition builds its structure on the basis of alternating and combining stylistic contrasts and vocal diversity of screaming and growling vocals. Rolling out the musical canvas, the Death Has A Sound severe march confidently and clearly drives its step into the chosen musical path, whirling with a whirlwind of rapid pursuit in the sound of The Final Destination musical thriller.
The explosion of the furious drive of the introduction weaves the sparkling rage of the Asphyxiation Chamber main motive in combination and unity with the vocal anger and severity of the growling vocals, bringing the vocal part to the fore of the As The Dead Swarm song, whipping up the violent rage of an unrestrained outburst and an explosion of dark anger continuing in the frantic whirlwind of the Fatal Invocation composition, developing and complementing the tempo, rhythm and musical sound in an artistic variety, sometimes connecting the screaming vocals to the vocal part on the eve of completion album with the charm of the Rotten From The Bone enchanting musical fairy tale.