The bright acoustic guitar solo of the introduction creates an intriguing musical essence which is then carried by the banners of a majestic symphony, anticipating the development of the Lady Lazarus enchanting musical saga, creating an inspired and exciting beginning of the Ancesthor - White Terror album, enchanting with its sound and the multiple variations of the unity of symphony and drive. Beginning with a minstrel ballad, The Witch of Ptscholh (feat. Josh Christian) composition combines medieval musical motifs with a whirl of sparkling drive, combining the symphonic charm of the musical fairy tale with the power and energy of the musical drive, continuing this unity in the sound of the Mist-Wraith song, paying more attention to the embodiment of fairy tale echoes in unity with the musical drive. Then the vocal part is complemented by the enchanting tunes of the guest singing lady, bringing the charm of elven fairy tales, alternating and combining with the furious drive and epic motifs in a single musical flow. The rhythmic pulsations of a battle march are combined with the ascension of symphonic banners of a solemn knightly procession.
After an intriguing introduction with echoes of forgotten fairy tales, the charming guitar solo creates the artistic atmosphere of the Ghostly Wails composition, in which the elven tunes of the singing lady are again present. The La Llorona (feat. Ana Cristina Duran) musical saga continues and develops the motives of the previous composition, giving them more epic charm and creating an intriguing and fascinating atmosphere. After epic fairy tales, the Shrouded in Light musical tale fuses the epic motifs of medieval legends and fairy tales with the frenzy and rage of a powerful musical drive, anticipating The Waltz of the Sea (feat. Ana Cristina Duran) final composition of the album, the most diverse and varied among its musical concepts.