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This sacrament honors the luminary

February 09, 2021
Coldun - Grand Sun Ritual

Musical tunes of oriental motives create the atmosphere of a sublime epic saga, complemented by background chants and distant echoes of keyboard mysteries, creating the appropriate atmosphere for deep vocal reflection. A pleasant deep baritone pleases with a velvety softness and captivates with the sound of the Coldun - Grand Sun Ritual album's title composition. But further the majesty of the musical essence is complemented by the artistic presentation of the saxophone tunes. After the intriguing mysteriousness of the introduction, the vocals come to the fore in the procession of The Forest And The Soul solemn anthem, captivating with the leisurely melodic grandeur and significance of the epic musical presentation.
The guitar solo intro captivates with artistry and melodicism, setting the path of the Down Below main motive that unrolls the musical canvas in front of vocal inspiration, at first raising the tonality in dreamy inspiration, but then hardening in doubts, anticipating the rolling of a harsh musical drive. As if returning to ancient times, the Salvation Day composition's sound returns the feeling of youth. In the vocal part, the main vocals are complemented by the backing vocals, shading the vocal phrases.
The obscure mysteries end with an acoustic guitar chime, complemented by bardic tunes of quivering vocals, as if the wanderer had survived many trials and unexpected adventures. Then the vocal part is complemented by brothers-in-arms, with whom the procession of the Stories Untold acoustic ballad enchants and carries away until the musical subtext deepens. Pumping waves of restrained drive, the the Hail Out To Thebes composition's soung raises vocal emotions to the crest of musical waves, complementing the background support of keyboard symphonies. Eh, personal taste - but to harden the music a little, speed up the pace and add a little growling to the vocals (of course, leaving everything else!) - great melodic death metal would come out. The I Dreamed That Dream closes the album that left many impressions with echoes of northern folklore, supplemented by a progressive fracture of the rhythmic essence - a cunning bard got caught, what can you say.