After a brief intro, the Creative Murder vocals severity brings the twilight premonitions of future disasters, then adopted with musical rapidness in the acceleration of the violent drive while preserving mysterious melodism and a seamless ambiguity. Harshly and rhythmically entering, the Beyond the Skeletons continues the Bloodbeat - Process of Extinction album with notes of progressive artistry, broken and unpredictably transforming the combinations of music and vocals, but then the incinerate unrestrained wave of the irrepressible drive.
Tightly and violently intro prepares for the perception of the Pulse violent musical thriller, combining vocals and music in a single musical tale with oriental folklore motifs. Fasciating in the rapid and unrestrained race of the main motive, seasoned with progressive rhythmic variables, the No Control combines music and vocals in a single musical stream. Furiously and severely sound of a guitar solo in the Permanent Shadows song intro injects waves of militant rebellion, dispelled doubts and spreading any obstacles on its path.
Vocal meditation supplemented with musical drive and rage are combined in the Intention to Kill single pursuit of deadly sound and unrestrained war-like sound. After the intriguing accession, the Rigor Mortis rolls the musical canvas of the majestic hymn, topped with vocal experiences, but then placing the angry impulse into anticipation of the future change. The Slow Decompose completes the album by unrestrained musical thriller, combining vocals and music in the unity of a gusty drive with melodious sparkles.