The title track opens the Myrholt - Retterting album with a dark tale, in which the clean vocals of a wise old man broadcasting forgotten tales alternate with furious screaming and whirlwinds of guitar solos. The Til Hinnoms Dal hardens the vocal line to a furious screaming, marching confidently and meaningfully along a musical path that blazes a harsh mid-tempo march.
Whipping up waves of rebellious fervor, the Drep og drep igjen song accelerates the pace, and vocal fury competes with the harsh musical rush, intertwined in a musical round dance of deadly dance. But the acoustic instrumental tale Hamingja (Akustisk) dispels the gloomy uneasiness and brings back the medieval atmosphere of the bardic sagas.
Returning again to the tunes of the battle drive, the Tegn fra universet song nevertheless supplements them with echoes of epic guitar appeals. Starting with echoes of cosmic currents, the Antydninger fra kosmos composition ends the album with a brooding progressive instrumental symphony.