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This art requires thoughtfulness and rejects vanity

September 07, 2022
Pat Travers - The Art Of Time Travel

Energetically, actively and brightly the title track begins the musical story of the Pat Travers - The Art Of Time Travel album, complementing the main vocals with a singing along of musical associates, bringing it to the forefront in the chorus. Powerfully, stubbornly and persistently, the Ronnie march imprints and drives its step into the chosen path.
The soothing melody of the introduction continues with the melodic reflections of the No Worries At All ballad, complementing the romantic atmosphere of vocal reflections with swirls of guitar solo instrumental bridges, continuing the melodic charm with the romantic memories of the Over And Over song, dispelling doubts and anxiety with its mesmerizing melody and vocals charm.
The fun and celebration of the Push Yourself composition combine music and vocals in a joint musical stream. The twilight mystery of the musical covers envelops vocal reflections with the mesmerizing haze of the Move On fascinating blues, developing this musical style in the artistic celebration of the Full Spectrum instrumental composition, decorating its musical palette with bright improvisations of the saxophone solo.
Musical pensiveness complements the vocals narrative with the veils of melodic charm of the Breaking Up In Lockdown canto. Joyful and soothing musical motifs and vocal inspiration fully embody the Breaking Up In Lockdown name in artistic unity, anticipating the unhurried romantic sound of the Breaking Up In Lockdown final ballad of the album.