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There is no use to locate this sea

July 27, 2018
Lago - Sea of Duress

Dense, hard and powerful, as if presenting inevitability Day of Wrath begins the Lago - Sea of Duress album. However, meditations come back again and again. Hardly, densely severely meditating music comes back to meditations again and again.
Unrestrained might crushes any limits, A Broken Barrier denounces negation - the vocal deeper and more severe denies, instrumental halls complement phrases. The bright melody of instrumental Sepulcher urges is intertwined with vocal phrases in a violent dance. This must be listened to! Meditating and thoughtful - but then there will be another drive!
But drive and power are interwoven with the melody together, raising Dead Sun vocal phrases up!
We densely, rigidly and brightly raise the musical idea, the Soiled is the Crown vocals remains on the background! Who like - and I liked it more than I did!
Notchs are progressive, questions (to yourself :)) is a very interesting pitch, tweaking in the Haze vocals of screaming and growling. No, well, the notes have to be developed - the Effigy epic saga promotes the progressive canons, but a severe drive intertwines with them, without leaving the vocal part alone! The epic and meaningful prophecy of the last composition, Providence broadcasts its main motive ... which is worthy of the primacy over the whole album!