Starting the Mork - Katedralen album of the Dodsmarsjen song's epic saga is then upgraded by accelerated vortex of guitar solo, while holding back acceleration of significant vocal statements. The Svartmalt further injected the atmosphere of an epic fairy tale, combining the vocal mysteriousness with the swirl of musical injection and bringing melodic meditations in instrumental bridges.
Squeezing the tempo and music of the Arv marching confident significance of a dark anthem, a twilight musical background behind the vocal phrases. The Evig Intens Smerte even more epic the twilight solemnity, as if the warlocks are slow and thoughtfully narrow their fairy tales.
Significantly and severe Det Siste Gode I Meg takes the story of a dark Lord to the forefront of the musical image, slowly, significantly and inspired by the narration of his speech to admirers and ministers. The vocal party combines growling and clean vocals. First, somewhat accelerating the pace of the Fodt Til A Herske song then from time to time it returns to the middle pane of the gloomy fairy tale.
Having put forward the vocal batch on the foreground of the 7th musical image, the song stubbornly and persistently marching along the path laid by the musical web of the main motive. The De Fortapte Sjelers Katedral completes the album with an epic saga, combining vocal significance with melodium of musical passages.