Exploding with the fury of frantic drive in intro the Shot to Hell then transforms into a mid-tempo march with vocals introducing, emphasizing and accentuating the rhythm of the procession. But the final fragment of the first composition of the Homicide (CAN) - Left for Dead album returns to the frantic thriller again. The Point Blank Range subordinates the musical canvas to vocal directions, weaving a whirlwind of guitar riffs around the mid-tempo procession with a vocal part and bringing a note of thoughtfulness to the guitar solo of the instrumental part.
The title track Left for Dead begins with vocal statements, accentuating them with the rumbling of a rhythmic march. Severely, densely and stubbornly the music pulsates with rhythmic waves of drive, crowned with vocal fury, accentuating the title of the composition with the final phrases. Beginning with a romantic guitar solo the Enemy of the State intro captivates with melodic variations, but the vocals evoke waves of mid-tempo drive.
Sharply accelerating the pace of musical storytelling, the Nightmares of the Apocalypse explodes into a musical stream of energetic thriller. The guitar solo intro enchants with musical artistry, drawing the listener into the vastness of technical guitar passages, then affirming this sound as the Scorched Earth main motive complements this musical canvas with vocal rebellion. Swinging in the leisurely procession of austere anthem the Scourge of God concludes the album by slowing down a tight mid-tempo march.