Bagpipe and the distant wind are combined into the Blar Allt Nam Banag introduction, then the beginning thunder causes the spirits of distant ancestors, glorifying the clan wars in the proud chorals. The militant march adds a batch of bagpipes to the rolling rhythm, then the bagpipe is combined with a stream of violent drive, stepping aside and skipping the vocal parts, occasionally appearing against the background, starting the battle saga of the Under Siege - Under Siege album, in the chorus supplementing the growling with the clean chants of comrades-in-arms.
Gathered at the campfire, the bards starts song by the acoustic passages, but in seemingly warriors furiously complement their marches with bellicose tunes - asserting Warrior I Am again and again.
The fierce pressuring rush of frenzied energy of Time for Revenge sweeps everything from its path, the vocal somewhat removes instrumental rabies, the main motive fully returns in brief instrumental bridges and choruses.
The majestic Beyond the Mountains main motive draws you to the triumphal march through battle fields, remembering the past battles and commemorating the manifested valor. Vocal is somewhat restrained by rage, meaningfully and gently prophesying ancient legends. In instrumental bridges, a guitar solo shows very effective melodies.
Blowing away in a fast race, the Invaders music is hampered by the vocal part, turning the composition into a mid-tempo narrative, obeying the vocal instructions - again sweeping away in the fast streams of the drive, adorned with guitar solos in the choruses. The chorals of pure vocals complete the composition with sorrowful tunes, complementing the finishing phrases of screaming.
The title track of the album Sotto Assedio sounds with lyrics in the italian, the vocals complement the growling with a harsh harsh, the main motive of the enchanted whirlwind captures everything around in the persistent siege of the impregnable fortress.
The Bagpipe regains its leading position in One to Us intro, which continues with a battle march, pulling soldiers into a joint battle. By the middle tempo march the composition pushes the tension in verses, in the choruses epically singing the battle brotherhood.
After fights and battles, the time was spent in valorous combats is sung in a romantic ballad Bright Star of Midnight, when bards celebrate warriors in their stories, retelling legends about their exploits for many generations.