Grim named band, suggestive of common to all in the future state, the song titles in the last album which give sounds and emotions inherent in the cemetery darkness. They called After The Burial and their last release - Dig Deep.
Beginning of album, pointing to dig deeper, consistent with expectations - the slow, viscous and stringy, down into the lake of dense sound.
It starts with the Collapse until Lost in the Static. Next track Mire releases from static and breaks the shackles of a sleep. But the gloomy atmosphere does not go away, it just continues with the multirate Deluge.
The next song is more melodic - can be attributed more to the melodic death style. That's why she's about ghosts - it called Laurentian Ghosts.
The melodic and lyrical ghosts are somewhere beyond comprehension, Heavy Lies the Ground continues the story about cemetery matters. Adventures continue in the Catacombs - and they starts with ragged rhythm and melodic death vocal elements. Towards the end of the narration is accelerated up to the last phrase, which is minted for the listener.
The Endless March includes a mixture of different musical styles - thrash, melodic death, metalcore, during the bridge in the middle drums set the rhythm of the march. Ends walk through the cemetery, and gloomy catacombs Sway of the Break. Well - those who expected gloomy Gothic elements looking at album art and the name will not receive the expected.
Instrumental entry takes into unexplored space of the Cypecore - Identity. Then begins rhythmic hammering the sense to complete investigation of these spaces, Saint Of Zion requires that!. Where The World Makes Sense - how complicated the issue and how many values - the answers may be multiple. For each person - its own way and for a society - variously. Further songs (My Confession, Hollow Peace) begins again with care to cosmic expanses, and with increasing the number of melodic death elemens. Return to metalcore occurs in the title track - Identity, starts with rhythmic march followed by a lyrical philosophical monologue. Then, it is not difficult to guess, march again. But at the end these elements are mixed with each other.
This is followed by a furious metalcore Drive, then follows A New Dawn, lyrical, with clean vocals and epic melodies in the beginning, make heavier and coarsens his lyrical fiber to the end. The following is a non-stop falling into The Abyss, The Void and other depreciation, sounds like metalcore with a lot of keyboards and with monologues - in particular inhuman mechanical, and then with the lyrically sad.
The Outro of the album is quite unexpected for this style - it probably can be attributed to the progressive folk-rock - lyrical keyboards and strings surrounding the mysterious atmosphere. As a bonus track in this release used the smash-hit of the band - The Hills Have Eyes.
Continuing the discussion of mysticism, progressive music will provide Illusionless - Age of Kali (EP).
Begining is viscous and dark with a complex and torn rhythmic structure , core vocals and metalcore accompaniment. Next Track initially produces classic death, which is then replaced by melodic death. But how without progressive variations? And at the end of track all incarnations mix.
A similar can be heard in the next 2 tracks, the beginning of which more slowly and rhythmically. It is dominated by marching rhythms. Instrumental Aletheia - symphonic keys are framed by powerful and dense rhythm.
After this burst of melodious symphony follows Extinction - technical death with ragged rhythm, marching pieces in which prevail.